September 19, 2015

The Light at the End of the Tunnel!

We are so pleased to report that we are 89% fundraised for our monthly expenses and 100% for our startup funds!

That means that if 20 friends supported us $25/month or only five at $100/month, we will be at 100% across the board! Would you consider helping us reach our goal with a monthly pledge? (or find out more about what we will be doing in Swaziland on our support page)

God has been so faithful through this process, so we have no doubt we will meet our goal by the end of the month, even though it is less than two weeks away. Today and tomorrow, our home church, Capital, will be introducing us at all services to help us finish this fundraising strong.

If we do meet our goal by September 30, we will be heading to Georgia for training the last two weeks of October, and will be on the ground in Swaziland the first week of November. Crazy!

Thank you friends and family, for your support, encouragement and prayers. We would ask for your continued prayer for these next two weeks as we not only wrap up our fundraising, but also tackle logistics.

Next week, Brandon and both our moms will be taking a road trip to Ohio to load some of our personal things on the shipping container which also brings much of the food for the Carepoints. I will be staying home with Zach to make travel easier for the others.

Speaking of the little guy- Zachary is doing great! Right after he turned 6 months old, he got his first two bottom teeth on the same day. He’s teething again, and we’re expecting his front teeth any day now. Infant Tylenol and teething toys are our close friends at the moment.

Zach is now almost 8 months old, wearing 12 month clothing, and has been on solid food for awhile. He especially loves Avocado and Sweet Potato and our only struggle with feeding time is when he’s tired and rubs his face- we end up wiping puree off his eyelids! He’s sitting up well, but not crawling yet. We are actually hoping Zach will be a late crawler so that he will be a little easier to keep track of in the airports next month.

As always, grace and peace!

1 Comment

Terri Lamke

September 19, 2015 at 4:02 PM That’s AWESOME!! Come on everyone, please help them reach their goals. Help them spread Gods LOVE!! For us.
